Garrett McSpadden's profile

Fall 2018 Ai Scholarship Competition

Title screen for the game
Gameplay screenshot with 3 turrets spawned and a node selected to spawn a new turret
Early Game screenshot showing 2 turrets, as well as the UI for the resources, health, and speed up controls in the bottom left.
Options menu allowing player to control screen resolution of exit the game.
TowerClass created from Monobehaviour to allow children to use monobehaviour elements without being derived directly from it. This class controlled all elements from each tower instead of having separate scripts for each tower.
Learned how to save game data to an XML file and read it back to adjust game setting. This was used to store the players resolution between gameplay sessions.
Automated tests was created in order to perform automated gameplay to test for bugs inside the game and be able to get to certain areas in the game without having to play it through each time./
Fall 2018 Ai Scholarship Competition

Fall 2018 Ai Scholarship Competition

This was a project for my Advanced Software Development for Games class (VGPA305) at AI San Diego during the Fall 2018 quarter. We were required Read More
