Take courage
Tel aviv, Israel 2018 
It takes courage to open your eyes.
Pointing the finger at someone is easy. Reaching a hand proves strength and makes you overcome your fears. 
we all want the same things:
peace & security 
Look, look, look,Look, look, look, Look, look, look, Look, look 
at the things you are afraid to be able to conquer them.
I don’t even know, if anybody will be able to see what I see when I look at my photos. But I appreciate, if you would take a minute to read what I have to say about it. 

Somehow this photography session at Tel Aviv was a way for me to express all that thoughts I had on my mind for so many months. When we shot the photos, I already knew how they will turn out, but when I finally saw the developed film, I realized, that...

...my ability to express myself was telling me something. 
I can tell, that my trip to Israel has been an inspirational and educational experience which taught me many lessons at this point of my life. The vibes that this place on earth exudes is partially, but straight forward overwhelming. And I haven’t even been visiting Gaza...
The fact, that there is so much pain within such a beautiful part of the world and many of its people is simply heartbreaking. 

Even though we all want the same things, we can’t stop fighting each other due to lines of distinctions that some institutions want us to believe. We all want peace and security, but nobody will get an extra amount of it, if it’s taken away from somebody else. 
So one thought evolved within myself, not only during this trip, but since quite some time in 2018. 
Whenever someone wants you to choose their side, be alerted!
I choose, not to choose a side when it comes to separating people who are meant to reach hands to each other. 
Whenever a leader, a religion, a politician, an institution or whatsoever claims to know the one and only truth, be sure that you’ll probably be fooled! 
Wherever religious institutions intend to influence politics and the policies of people or whole countries, weird shit is about to happen. 
Instead of letting believe systems indoctrinate the way we think, talk and act, we should be critical, trust ourselves and understand, that we’re all equal. Everybody wants to be carefree and happy. 
That’s a simple fact. Isn’t it?​​​​​​​
There were times when I allowed certain people to influence me in an unhealthy way, but during the past months I was able to finally realize this. 
Whoever I might have hurt or disappointed with some unthinking comments. 
You know who you are...
Let me tell you, I am sorry for that. I think I know better now and it’s all love. 


35mm black&white photography project, shot in Tel Aviv.
