Matt McDermott's profile

MD SPCA #GivingTuesday

The Brief
Raise $30,000 on Giving Tuesday to support the Maryland SPCA, with a focus on connecting with online audiences — and do it with a budget smaller than the cost of a 2003 Buick LeSabre.

Fresh off an angry, awful election many of us would like to forget, we created a campaign everyone could feel good about, even if they didn't agree with each other: Are you a Cat Person or a Dog Person? 

No such thing as voter fraud here. In fact, we encouraged people to vote with their wallets, early and often. Every dollar was a ballot cast for their preferred pet.

The campaign raised more than $41,000.

Creative Director / Matt McDermott
Art Director / Wesley Stuckey
Senior Designer / Courtney Glancy
Copywriter / Matt McDermott

MD SPCA #GivingTuesday

MD SPCA #GivingTuesday

A small budget-big impact campaign to raise money on Giving Tuesday for the Marland SPCA.
