Jamye Wooten of CLLCTIVLY reached out to me about rendering a few images for a campaign they were working up. 

The styles used on both differ radically but are indicative of my strengths
The first image is a memorial for Walter P. Carter also known as Mr. Civil Rights. 

Understanding that the design would ultimately be screenprinted onto shirts, I used a style that would tanslate in 1 color and produce a crisp transparency to burn screens from. This was achieved using Illustrator. The shading was achieved using the blend tool and transparency masks layered atop each other and staggered slightly. The effect creates a stenciled effect that simulates depth. I use this approach religiously when illustrating for screenprinted output. 
The second was an image is of Katie Geneva

The reference photo I worked from was black and white. The final piece needed to be colorized. I built the illustration off of the reference photo and then built the color pallete from a separate color photo of Ms. Geneva. It was all achieved in Illustrator. It took about 10 hrs. This is only the second time I was asked to do this. I did a...liberal amount of obsessing over the complexion and associated tones before I submitted my final. The client was pleased. I believe it was released as a poster


