There's so much to tell and sing about,
There's so much to search and believe in, 
There is so much hope left, in each soul,
 for a good life and a your good dreams
to become.
Tap the stars!
There's a little musical story told by The Child behind each.
There's so much to care for and love, 
There's so much to know and learn from, 
There's so much to explore and show!

Come, recreate some moods
For your love!
Beloved creation of a line of mine,
Spread your wings and fly!
You’re out of my rule,
Out of time,


words taken from: Time Files
This project is deeply rooted in my childhood days when I was exploring with my drawings and with my piano practice. I remember warming up by improvising a lot just for inner sound discovery. I quit the piano lessons early but the taste for music remained. The greatest challenge in the MuzzofAma project creation was to go back to my childhood days and improvise just like the child I was. For this, I set myself to create the sound from my computer keyboard which had me taken through the wanted journey of exploring something new and unique.

Stay tuned for more about this project Inspired from Childhood Dreams and fantasies. 
Also inspired by a fantasy story I wrote.
Here below, an audio spoiler from Moons of Amaterasu:

You can also listen to poems included in the MuzzofAma project on SoundCloud.

*please*Leave a mark there! Give a thumb up or show your heart, share your thoughts and opinions - this project wants itself improved.




In the creation of this little project, a major influence had a part of my childhood that somehow managed to survive. The idea behind this illust Read More
