Mahmoud Zaini's profile

Post-Nuclear War Soldier

The class assignment was to draw a tank...  Yet I was sick of tanks and millitary drawings, that are always centered around violence. It's good to let out some testosterone every once and a while, but I just want to make some beautiful artwork that's all.

 I decided to draw a soldier that turned his tank into his home, after a world nuclear war that left the world in peices. 
Here is the full process of thought, along with the process for the final illustration: 
It all started out as a random sketch in my sketchbook... 
Sketching the Idea into perspective
First step in photoshop
Lining the ex Soldier
Gotta make that tank look AWESOME !
Added the basic colors and simple details
 The End Result. With shadows, highlights, and special filters.
Post-Nuclear War Soldier

Post-Nuclear War Soldier

A class assignment for my Background Design and Layout Class. Decided to take it to the next level :P
