Fleur Objective
The objective of this project was to create a positive and approachable brand for a menstrual cup. The cup is product which holds many benefits for the environment, health, and cost, but is stigmatized due to its reusable nature. This is meant to attract a younger demographic of woman to the product, since most women don’t see the cup as an option until later in life. Often a first time cup user purchases the product   as a trial, making it important to clarify both the use and the benefits of the product. 
The main idea behind the identity is to be bold and embrace the cup for what it is.  In the logotype, the U resembles a cup shaped by a period underneath. A bold red was applied throughout the program for clear communication of the products use, a color not typically used in related product brands. The red is paired with a soft pink to bring a youthful and friendly approach. The shape of a cup is used throughout the program to create a pattern that when combined resembles a cycle and when broken apart resembles a flower. 
Package Design
For the final package design a pattern was applied to create unity among the box. Graphic symbols were applied to  clearly imply the function and values of the product. The symbols needed to convey the use of the product from far away so consumers could understand the function of the product if it was placed on a shelf and / or were not close enough to read all the information. Panels were placed on the side to break the pattern to prevent some of the smaller information from getting lost in the design. The information on the box is typographically separated by product instructions and information, separated by a shift in the type style and color. This is also continued in the instructional and informational brochure for similar information. 
Ad Campaign 
Digital Process Book


The objective of this project was to create a positive and approachable brand for a menstrual cup. The cup is product which holds many benefits f Read More
