Emma Wigginton's profile

Emma Wigginton- Undergraduate competitive scholarship

Press n' Seal- 16.25" x 15.25" -Gouache on Arches Board - (2018)

This pieces belongs to the same body of work as the following 

Through gouache, my slow and obsessive painting technique forced me, as an artist, to observe, and therefore memorialize these otherwise deteriorating forms. The paintings themselves began to increase in size until I eventually decided to create a physical, full sized fridge with individually painted objects inside.I was interested in the happenstance qualities of the objects, along with the variance in textural forms, light, and storage. With a curiosity around the notion of comfort found in food preservation and containment, I painted small images of staged refrigerators as a sort of study within the topic. The paintings served as a dramatized documentation of objects.
Home Refrigerator Installation- (2018) All replicated food items are created and painted life sized. The paper was carefully painted, scored, cut, and assembled into 3-dimensional imitations or plywood backed and staged within expected storage containers. 

Outside: Cereal boxes, grocery list, recreated childhood drawings, calendar, painted magnets ect. additional Freezer and Fridge Portions 
Door of Home Fridge Installation- Food Items: Butter, Apples, Chinese Takeout food, Havarti Cheese, Lunch Meat

The imitated food items are created by carefully painting on paper, scoring, cutting, and assembling into 3-dimensional imitations or plywood backed and staged within expected storage containers.
Interior of Home Refrigerator installation- All items are painted replicas of food objects. Painted in gouache on watercolor paper and cut and assembled or mounted onto plywood.

The difference of form and texture in these pieces furthered the diversity of my painterly mark and the sense of layering throughout the space. I want the viewer to question the purpose of making each item individually and compare this to the time spent creating foods in factories.

Home Refrigerator Installation- Freezer with details of replicated food items in respective settings. Ice cubes, Chicken Pot Pie, Freezer Burned meat ect.

Despite the loose or opposing structural quality of my mark, the installation maintains a sense of familiarity to it, through recognizable brands, lighting, and sound, furthering my juxtaposition of mass production. When the fridge is turned on, you immediately identify the glow and hum expected from a home refrigerator. Through this relationship, the work challenges intimacy between the piece and the viewer by invading personal space and encouraging interaction and question.
Food items belonging in home refrigerator installation- Baking soda, romaine lettuce, Oscar Mayer wieners, Pickles in Glass Jar, Freezer Burned Meats, Celery sticks.
Gouache on watercolor paper, wooden dowel, styrofoam, plastic, glass jar

I hope to appeal to a wide variety of viewers through   the array of recognisable objects present within the fridge. I purposely chose objects I felt many could relate to, rather than duplicating a particular refrigerator, unlike my earlier pieces.
Freezer Burned meat triptych in Handmade Pine Frame- (2018) Acrylic paint, plastic wrap, Gouache, watercolor paper, styrofoam trays
Still Life with Pink Artificial Flowers- (2018) 22"x 30" - Liquid Acrylic, absorbent ground, sludge gesso, acrylic paint, blockout white, masking fluid, prisma pencil, graphite, and gouache on strathmore watercolor paper.
Tarlatan, Food bags, and Wallpaper Collagraph Print- 22" x 15" - on Stonehenge paper
(October 2018)
V.A. 5/13 Linocut Chair Assemblage with white Chine-Collé 
14" x 18.5"- on pearl gray Stonehenge pape
(November 2018)
Emma Wigginton- Undergraduate competitive scholarship

Emma Wigginton- Undergraduate competitive scholarship
