Karl Bembridge's profile

Caution! Sex Bomb! | Typographical Poster

Caution! Sex Bomb! | Typographical Poster
This project that began in late January was based around the idea of designing a typographical poster that would help express a humorous warning message that refers to the presence of a “sex bomb”, a term itself used to describe a woman who is considered to be sexually attractive, by the way of combining text and illustration-based content together through the use of minimalism and simplicity as the visual style.

As you will see, all text within the final outcome has been displayed with an all-upper case styled format, with the addition of colour variations to help assert hierarchy, alongside simple shape and asterisk-orientated illustrations in order to not only present a visual pun, but also draw attention to it through additional details.

To push the overall depth of the design that little bit further, I decided to include lighting gradients alongside a grain texture in order to help push away from a look that I felt would appear far too flat, and way too polished for my own personal liking.

For the display mockup, I decided to place the final outcome within an A2 sized poster that is held up by a person at chest height in order to help viewers get a better understanding of just how big the poster would actually be, should they themselves be physically holding it.

So, be sure to tell me what you think in the comment section below!

This is a non-commercial project.

*Some imagery has been subject to alteration and editing*

Fonts - Gotham Bold
Imagery - Pixabay
Display Mockup - Photoshop4u
Display Mockup
Final Design
Caution! Sex Bomb! | Typographical Poster

Caution! Sex Bomb! | Typographical Poster

Click on my page to see more work.
