Field Notes

"Javi’s photos are exceptional, and while the images in his visual journey across the Atacama Desert take centre stage, there’s also something enjoyable about his clipped, stringent prose-style that makes for great reading. Like any good inspirational post, his piece left us wanting to pack a tent and bed down for a night under the star-punctured Chilean skies; though our photos would likely pale in comparison." - Source

— Jack Palfrey, Lonely Planet
Few more images on my website

Pictures captured with Fujifilm X-T2 + 16mm F1.4 + 18-55mm F2.8-4 + 55-200mm F3,5-4,8 and DJI Mavic Pro.
Atacama Desert

Atacama Desert

4 days road trip in the Atacama desert. Overnight on a 4wd vehicle with a rooftop tent.
