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YCN Awards 2013: Advertising Campaign: Bacardi

Encourage 18-24 year old guys to order Bacardi in the mainstream bar environment
Most men want what they can’t have and there’s no better way to make something more desirable than by taking it away. Thereby staging a modern day prohibition by ‘forbidding’ the sale of 
Bacardi, followed by a petition to encourage interaction and trial of the product, generating 
a greater demand for the drink
Phase one consisting of newspaper articles to create awareness of the Bacardi prohibition, simultaneously in bars and pubs the optic bottles will be blacked out with the embossed logo present. Alongside this, Bacardi will be strictly served in black glassware to replicate 'under the counter' sales. Print advertisements located in the same environment emphasise the interaction aspect of the campaign. Encouraging drinkers to put an end to the ban using 'tongue in cheek' language by asking them to vote 'wet' or 'dry'; which was also used to refer to the era of the 1920-30s prohibition. Once the participant votes online they receive a free sample of the drink implementing the trial and re-appraisal aspect of the campaign 
YCN Awards 2013: Advertising Campaign: Bacardi

YCN Awards 2013: Advertising Campaign: Bacardi

A campaign to get 18-24 year old guys to try Bacardi.
