What design elements/ principals were used?
For this image I used space. I positioned her head in the bottom left and the main clock towards the top right. I used affinity of space to have less visual intensity and used a rounded clock to keep the mood soft. I also used tone to show that it is early in the morning. The only light is above the clock showing the time. 

What story does this image tell?
This image is showing a sleeping woman about to be awakened by the alarm clock. It is showing the peace and quiet in the room the moments before the day begins. 

How does this image pertain to the overall story? 
This image pertains to the story by showing at the very beginning, what time of day it was and the mood of the story.
What design elements/ principals were used?
For this shot I kept the affinity low to keep the visual intensity down while she was getting up. I used the line from the top of the dresser to direct the viewers eye from right to left towards the girl in the picture. The last suddle things I used were space and tone. I specifically positioned the girls body in the left side and the plant in the right side with the clock directly in the middle. The tone of the picture stayed the same as the last since she is just getting up, the sun is still down its only 6 o'clock in the morning. 

What story does this image tell?
The story this image tells is a girl getting up first thing in the morning, sitting on the edge of the bed contemplating wether to get up or not. 

How does this image pertain to the overall story? 
This image is an important part of the story because it is the main deciding factor for the rest of the story. If she would have decided to stay asleep the rest of the story would be impossible. This is the actually moment the story begins. 
What design elements/ principals were used?
For this shot I kept the affinity lower still and kept it at a wide shot to show that she is in the robe. I used line and shape by keeping the shapes somewhat square throughout and also using the line from the edge of the counter to guide the viewers eye towards the apple. I also used space by keeping her in the left side of the frame to balance the shot with the rest of the kitchen. 

What story does this image tell?
This image tells a story of a girl making herself a healthy breakfast. She just woke up so she is in a robe, her hair is messy and the lights are dim.

How does this image pertain to the overall story? 
We don't yet know where she is going we just know she is up getting ready. With that being said, she has to fuel up her body so she is ready for her workout. 
What design elements/ principals were used?
For this shot there adds a little bit more contrast to add a small visual intensity to the shot. I used space to put her right in the middle of the shot and balance the background on either side of her with the lamps in the top corners. I also used line by using the benches in the background to point directly at her, and the line from the mat guides the viewers eye towards her as well. 

What story does this image tell?
The story this image tells is showing her just arriving to the gym putting her hair up. She is officially about to get ready for the workout. 

How does this image pertain to the overall story? 
This image shows her at the gym about to start her day. We are soon finding out why she is there.  
What design elements/ principals were used?
For this shot I raised the visual intensity a little bit by adding contrast to the shot. I kept the three lines from the previous shot, the two benches in the back and the lines from the edges of the mat, the same, to keep the focus on her body stretching.  

What story does this image tell?
This image is telling that she is stretching her legs out about to get ready to do some kind of physical activity. 

How does this image pertain to the overall story? 
This image is showing how she prepares for her workout and how she has to warm up her body so she doesn't get hurt. 
What design elements/ principals were used?
For this shot I tried to raise the visual intensity a little bit more by having the rectangular shapes of the mat and her body and then countering that with the diagonal line across the screen that creates the triangles, from the outside of the mirror. I added balance by keeping her body a little bit inside the frame on the left side and mostly able to see what she is doing on the right side of the frame. 

What story does this image tell?
This image is showing another angle of her stretches. Shows how flexible she is. 

How does this image pertain to the overall story? 
This image shows another angle of how important it is to stretch and warm your body up before you go working out. 
What design elements/ principals were used?
For this picture I used balance, line, space and color. I balanced her towards the middle of the frame to get the full machine in the picture. I used contrast of lines and shapes from the workout machines to give visual intensity. The lines and shapes differ from each other throughout the frame. The color in the shot as well, you can see it is still dark outside but it is bright enough in the room to still see whats going on.

What story does this image tell?
This image shows the first main exercise that she is doing. 

How does this image pertain to the overall story? 
We now know the reason she is up and out so early and why she was stretching her legs. 
What design elements/ principals were used?
The main element used in this frame is the line. The line created from the rope directs the eye directly towards the girl, in the middle of the shot. This added a lot of contrast and visual intensity as well to show that her workout is not that easy. 

What story does this image tell?
This image shows another exercise that she does.  

How does this image pertain to the overall story? 
This image shows how hard she is working and we know understand that she is in for a full workout. 
What design elements/ principals were used?
For this shot I just used a little contrast and a little affinity to start slowing down the visual intensity to show that she is almost done with her workout. The shapes from all the different workout equipment add some contrast to the picture.

What story does this image tell?
This image shows her stretching to cool her body down instead of just finishing with a super high heart rate, she stretches and lets her body cool down. 

How does this image pertain to the overall story? 
Shows the resolution after being so intense she has to let her body cool down before being back good. 
What design elements/ principals were used?
This last shot I used affinity to show no real visual intensity since it is a moment of calmness and relaxation. The lines from the couch direct the eyes towards her and the lines from the blinds in the back with the square shape of the doors, add the affinity to it. 

What story does this image tell?
This image shows her finished with the workout, back at her house and on the couch with a nice bottle of water. 

How does this image pertain to the overall story? 
This picture shows the end result of waking up early to get a workout done. She is now feeling refreshed and better than ever, able to start her day with a fresh clean slate. 
Morning Routine

Morning Routine
