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OCD Awareness Campaign

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Awareness Campaign

The focus of this brief was to spread awareness surrounding the issues of mental health, in particularly Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, more commonly known as OCD. 

OCD is having to repeat tasks over and over again to help lessen the anxiety. These tasks could be as simple as washing your hands or brushing your teeth to checking the front doors locked. It’s avoiding situations that make the intrusive thought manifest more than usual. As well as knowing that ones thoughts are irrational, but not being able to stop.
Its having that panic and dread ruin someone's life.

Our final outcomes are a series of three minimal typographic posters that express the severity of OCD, increasing awareness that the disorder is not a joke, as stereotypically perceived, but a serious disorder.
OCD Awareness Campaign

OCD Awareness Campaign

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Awareness Campaign - A series of three minimal typographic posters designed to increase the awareness of the severi Read More
