Sophia M Wenzel's profile

Voter Registration Banner

Do You Hella Love SF?
Voter Engagement Banner, 2016 Election

Ethnic Studies Student Resource & Empowerment Center (ESSREC)
San Francisco State University 

How can we increase student engagement and political awareness on college campuses? As ESSREC's Lead Designer, I designed this banner for ESSREC's interns to use during voter registration outreach. I wanted the banner to be both visually engaging and accessible, as our interns had a limited time frame to approach students traveling between their classes on campus. Although difficult to engage busy college students, we were very successful in capturing student's attention, giving them a quick opportunity to register and probe further research on the propositions. The banner features an iconic San Francisco mural from the Mission district, several homemade icons, bright colors, information about two vital propositions on the San Francisco ballot, and the brief process on how and when to vote.

Voter Registration Banner

Voter Registration Banner
