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What are the types of plastic windows?

Plastic windows are made in a very wide variety of design options. They differ in shape, size, number of leaves, the way they open, the type of glass and profile features. Also, windows can be very interesting to decorate, both on glass and on the frame. There are completely innovative designs that can independently determine how much light to pass into the room, changing the level of transparency.

What are the types of plastic windows and what to focus on when choosing them, you will learn from this article. The window is being installed for more than one year, it is worth a lot now, so the design variant must be carefully considered and consulted with the wizards who install windows, professional builders and people.

Types of PVC windows by the number of shutters
Features of the material of the frame and double-glazed windows make it possible to produce plastic windows with any number of shutters. Most often one, two or three-leaved. The option is determined by the installation site, the exterior of the house and the size of the window. Also, the best type, it is double glazed windows, which are most popular in Melbourne and other cities of Australia.

If the window is small, somewhere in the range of 1.5 x 1 m, then one sash will be quite enough.

Single window
Larger windows should be equipped with two doors.

Double window
Three are equipped with wide and tall windows, the area of ​​which allows the use of fairly large double-glazed windows. The fact is that the design features of plastic windows require fairly massive vertical racks between the doors, especially the opening ones.

In the case of three double-glazed windows, two racks take up to 10% of the total area of ​​the glazing, if the doors are larger, then the racks are larger, which means that the window’s light transmission capacity will decrease and its weight will increase without a special increase in functionality and design improvement.

The best option for standard windows in the apartment - two doors. But the appearance of the facade can be imposed certain restrictions city planning standards, especially if the windows overlook the historic or central streets. In this case, the number of valves is regulated and no changes can be made without the permission of the relevant authorities.
What are the windows depending on the method of opening the valves
By selecting the number of valves, you can determine the options for opening them. Window designers offer a fairly wide range of options and their combinations.

Blind window
The simplest window is deaf. The double-glazed window is fixed motionless in the frame. In terms of functionality, this is the most inconvenient window. Although it transmits a maximum of light and retains the greatest amount of heat, it is rather difficult to wash it outside. Even the first floor will require a stepladder or prefabricated forest. But in most double-glazed windows, one of them may be deaf, but the second must be pivotal.

Pivot window
Swivel doors can be opened exclusively inside the house on a vertical axis. These can be both doors in a double casement window, or two side doors in a three-leaved window. This option is quite convenient if there are a lot of windows in the house and folding or tilt-and-turn opening mechanisms are installed on one or two of them. In this case, there are no problems with the washing of windows, or with the ventilation of rooms.

Hinged window
Flaps - only partially open by displacing the upper part inward, while the lower crossbar is fixed on the horizontal axis. The opening angle is determined by the built-in stops. It is very convenient for ventilation of the room, an uncomplicated mechanism, reducing the cost of construction. But it is desirable to install such doors together with turning ones - it will be easier to wash them.

Tilt & turn window
Combined or tilt and turn equipped with sophisticated fittings, allowing both to flip the upper part of the sash, and open it into the room on a vertical axis. It all depends on the position of the control knob on the window. Some windows are equipped with a slit ventilation mechanism. These windows are the most expensive and are installed in combination with pivoting or folding, to reduce the cost of the entire project.
What are the types of plastic windows?

What are the types of plastic windows?


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