Lavinia Hartney's profile

Good Food Month - DL Flyer

Good Food Month - DL Flyer & Invitation

Problem (Flyer)
Create a DL flyer as a promotional piece at Good Food Month events. It should have a quality look and feel and incorporate one of the iconic GFM fork photography.

Solution (Flyer)
Incorporating elements and photos from previous Good Food Month events, I created a clean double-sided DL, printed on celloglaze and thick stock to give a prestigious look and feel. As a lot of the events were outside or involved food, the celloglaze served a second purpose allowing any spilt food to be easily wiped off and re-used.

Below: Inside, back and front of the promotional DL flyer shown.
Good Food Month - DL Invitation

Create a DL flyer as a promotional piece at Good Food Month events. It should have a quality look and feel and incorporate one of the iconic GFM fork photography.


Opting for a clean, open design, I also choose the fork creative that used curved lines that lead the viewer's eye to the logo for the event.

Good Food Month - DL Flyer


Good Food Month - DL Flyer

Good Food Month - DL flyer, promotional material and certificates
