Hanna Sperber's profile

Off Campus Living

Off Campus Living is a resource to help Western Washington University students learn about the basics of renting, rights & responsibilities as a tenant, and creating community. As the lead designer for the 2018-2019 school year, I set out to build a cohesive and fun brand. Most of the designs I would work on throughout the year are advertising and publicity for the program, so I wanted to implement a lot of color and bold illustration to draw attention and get students to read the information and attend the events.

​​​​​​​Through research and meeting with the program manager, I started with a brand guideline. Using elements that past designers Whitney Flinn and Kelly Quesnel had created such as the logo and gnome illustrations, I developed the guidelines to set the standard for the designs I would make throughout the year and for future designers to utilize. While I did have creative freedom, there are constraints I take into account when it comes to the university standard for some colors and copy. For the three main events, I created a connected campaign, including a poster, banner, and animation to draw students to each event. I have also created several informational materials to have at various tabling events, large scale kiosks, and swag items.
Off Campus Living


Off Campus Living

Brand identity for the office of Off Campus Living at Western Washington University and accompanying materials for various events this year.
