Medium:Print Ads
Tagline:L Make colors last.
Love colors and Woolite makes it last.
Medium:Print Ads
Have fun with colors and Woolite makes it last.
​Medium:Print Ads
Dance with colors and Woolite makes it last.
Medium: Out Door Interactive Installation
This is an interactive installation seen on the bus stop, which can capture cell phone lights and record what consumers draw in front of the camera.Consumers can touch the screen to start the light capture experience.
Medium: Out Door Interactive Installation
Fun Share_DIY colors
Step1: Use your phone to take photos of the colors like on the screen.
Step2: Move your phone around the screen. The camera will record the tracks you draw.
Step3:Take the photos you create and share them.
Medium: Out Door Interactive Installation
Medium: Out Door
The elevator shows the vivid repeated colors and Woolite makes it last
Medium:Out Door
This is a puzzle game. If players finish the color hue puzzle map between limited times they can receive free products from Woolite, which offer consumers a relaxed game to have fun with colors. 
The T-shirt links closely with the theme Love colors and Woolite makes it last. It will be a free gift to consumers who are lovers.


Make it last.


Creative Fields