Duc Nguyen's profileBach Nguyen's profile

A Fruits' Tragedy. Act Two.


Act Two.
the Rampage
The flashing light of the day was fading away, shining its last bit on him as Apple drove his car away. He went to the far South of the city and chopped off Tomato’s head. While walking away, he thought,
‘thanks for the job, boss, but I wish you weren’t such an asshole’. 
Far off the horizon, the sun is setting off quickly. Apple just could not stop feeling the rushing flow inside his body. This was fatal, and it felt good. He thought of Lemons who had always been the douchebags. He sped off to their apartments, fuming with rage. Before they even had the chance to finish the conversations, Apple drowned them till dead and cut them in half.
Just like a horrible dream, Apple fell over. The fatigue took him down. After a while, Apple stood up, rushed out of the door and drove hurriedly away.
Apple stood in front of a warmly lit house on the outskirt of the city, tucking itself away from all the chaos and commotion. He took a while to silently inhale all the peacefulness into his unsettled mind. Then, he rang the bell. The doorway was opened and Apple drove in.
In his favorite swing chair, Bulb was curled up under a blue blanket, wearing his reading glasses. He looked up when hearing the Apple’s footsteps. It didn’t take long for Bulb to realize that Apple was soaked in blood. His eyes opened wide in shock, his lips trembled, trying to utter out the question. Yet soon enough, Bulb regained his posture, looked dearly at Apple and lovingly said, “sit down, son.” 
The silence was excruciatingly heavy. 
Bulb signed. ‘You were the most beloved student I ever had and I will never regret to have you as my student, Apple." 
Apple stared at Mr Bulb’s teary eyes, and mumbled, “I’m sorry.” Something slowly trickled down his face. And in a while, he bursted out into a fresh flood of tears.
Mr Bulb sat there and watched his son. Without a word. Without any expression. Yet with an unfathomable void in his heart. 

A Fruits' Tragedy. Act One. 
the Edge of Endurance. 
A Fruits' Tragedy. Act Three.
the Conclusion of Vengeance.
story edited by Van Hoang.
Duc Ng. & Bach Ng.
A Fruits' Tragedy. Act Two.

A Fruits' Tragedy. Act Two.

Personal project. We create this photo-story as a way of storyboarding for a short film that we want to do. The theme involves Love, Lies and Ven Read More
