Feifei Guo's profile

Confront your microaggressions

Scenario 1
The aggressor notices the microaggressive behavior immediately

• Quickly save events
• Save for later recall and training
• Track behavior for improvement

The microaggression is recognized and raised by the recipient

• Quickly save events
• A quick overview of the person talking with, to help determine potential risks or consequences of responding
• Choose preset less attacking language
The aggressor needs to respond to the recipient as soon as possible

• The aggressor’s watch got locked until initiate a further conversation
• Confront the problem with each other in a timely manner

Scenario 2
View daily activities and track a specific microaggression

• A clear overview of the records of their microaggression
• Choose to track particular microaggressions based on their preferences
Interact and engage in the community 

• Friends at the same stage of achievement are able to encourage and motivate each other 
• Badge awards empower people to be more aware of their behavior

Track long-term microaggression stats

• Provide insights on how the user’s performance in the past week or month in a visualized way
• Be able to improve their behavior and keep track of them
Motivate users to learn and apply

• Read and learn about the impact and how to improve their behavior
• Have a quiz to make sure they gain the knowledge of the particular type of microaggression​​​​​​​
Visual design

Test & iterations

Thanks for scrolling! 🥳
Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or interested in my topic.

Feifei Guo   |   Visual Communication Design MFA 2019
feifeiguodesign.com   |   fffeiguo@gmail.com
Confront your microaggressions

Confront your microaggressions

Make the invisible visible. Leverage technology to help people notice and rethink their microaggression behavior in real time, educate and infor Read More
