Wheres Batman ?  Robin captured near Stafford Castle in the UK
Glorious Autumn/Fall  Canal bridge just outside the small town of Brewood , Staffordshire . UK
Fly away home. The sign of a good British Summer (they do happen) a ladybird catching the rays in my garden.
Any closer and I jump Macro shot of a grasshopper , again in my garden.
Heavy baggage A bee gathers pollen from an apple tree in a park.
Out for a duck Duck sunning itself by the pond in a local park
Hearts of Oak Tree growing at the side of the football pitch in my town.
Bumble bee lands on a flower .
Rure in Urbe

Rure in Urbe

Rure in Urbe roughly translates as 'The country in the town' . All the shots are taken within a mile of a town centre. My aim is to show how easy Read More
