I knew for this assignment I wanted to use or reuse typographic elements to convey a variety of values. I was immediately drawn to using logos and letterforms as a basis for creating value. The rigidity and often the symmetry of these marks made pattern creation a relatively easy process.

I begun by searching the internet for famous brands from around the world. I wanted to explore the vast amount of logotypes used by top brands from around the world. 
 Once a healthy collection of logos were assembled I started experimenting with pattern creation. I found that creating “darks” on my value scale was quite easy. Most logos are bold and geometric. The real challenge was creating my light values. I found that fashion brands often employ thin serif letterforms that even when layered remained quite light in value.

I divided the provided image into an approximate 1 inch by 1inch grid and begun experimenting with my brand patterns. I found it easiest to start with the darkest swatches and the lightest swatches and move inward. Using photoshops zoom tool I was able to zoom out -500%, effectively erasing all the line detail and leaving me only with a blurry outline. This was helpful in finessing the final value swatches.

My biggest hurdle was actually attempting to print my final piece at the local FedEx. Because of all the borrowed brand imagery (specifically Disney) they at first refused to print this project. After explaining it was a school project with no monetary gain, they agreed to a single print. We will see how long this lasts on Behance before I get a letter from the big mouse himself.

Just a student project here nothing to see Mickey...
Line as Value

Line as Value
