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2 Bit Retro Arcade NYC

Really retro vibe. Even the skeleton feels like it's 1992.
I chose to use a mid-shot of the skeleton in the foreground and have the bar in the background. I thought the skeleton was very effective in capturing that late 80's "Goonies" kind of feel. I allowed the focus to be on the subject and blur the rest. It worked out too because I had to compensate for the low-light with a wider aperture of 1.8. 
Small but efficient bar well stocked with whatever you need.
I used a wide shot with an object blurred in the foreground and the bar in focus in the background. I thought this would be a good way of creating the feeling of depth, as if the viewer was standing there themselves. The compact and cluttered look along with the different esthetics add to the NYC in the 90's feel. Because of this I chose to include it.
Who wasn't hitting up the arcade in the 80's and 90's. You can still do it in 2019.
For this shot I chose to capture the arcades lined up in order to provide symmetry and balance. I chose this shot hoping that the eyes would draw to the red joy sticks on the middle arcade machine being balanced by the surrounding arcades. I opted to focus on consuming the frame with arcade machines because the theme of the bar and the theme of this shoot was retro. Nothing says retro more than the arcade machines we played in the 80's and 90's and even today.
Pinball anyone? Who remembers wanting to lift the entire machine to save the metal ball from being lost?
I again chose symmetry for this shot. I captured a pinball center frame and allow it to be balanced by the adjoining two pinball machines at it's sides. Matching the theme of the bar and the theme of the shoot, I felt pinball machines are a must to include. I think anyone old enough remembers playing these. There is nothing more synonymous with the 80's and 90's than the trusty old pinball machine. Just remember not to "TILT" too hard.
Interesting light fixtures.
For this shot I chose to include the two boca style lights behind the main light that is the subject of the shot. There is intense contrast and saturation of colors that strain the eye. For that reason I included the two blurred, softer lights to give the eyes something to steer away to and reduce strain. I admit that the light is far from retro, however I feel it still reveals interesting layers in the aesthetics that this bar offers.
The rush of trying to beat the game.
For this shot I used an OTS with the subject in focus and the background blurred. The lights being blurred help to create an interesting boca aesthetic. So far the theme of the shoot and the bar is retro arcade. What good is an arcade if some one isn't playing the arcade machines? This picture is one of two that captures a player in motion.
The Simpsons and pinball. What is more 90's than that?
Again I used symmetry and adjoining machines to create balance in the frame. I am a fan of Macro shots and I feel that using a tighter frame and closer shot allows me to immerse the viewer into the shot. Seeing the buttons and proximity of the machine makes it feel as though one could reach out and start playing. The Simpsons and pinball were a huge part of the 90's and so this fell perfectly into the mix.
Nothing was more frustrating than keeping that steel ball from sinking.
For this shot I positioned the subject to the right of the frame and balanced her with the sign of the pinball machine. I used the natural guiding lines of the pinball machines to guide the eye to her. This is one of two pictures that I chose to take to represent the fun and intensity of playing at the arcade. The theme of not only the shoot but the bar as well. I also caught the light flare to further build that retro look, embracing the theme.
Ahhhh... the quarters I spent on these, and never regretted one cent of it.
For this shot I decided to frame it similar to the other shot of arcade machines. However this time I chose to use a few additional composition elements. I reversed the position of the machines and allow the row of arcades to lead to the screen in the background playing a film. Once there the eyes can then see the players in the background. I felt the need to show people enjoying and playing on the arcade machines. This of course ties into the retro arcade theme. An empty arcade is not as cool as an arcade filled with patrons.
A very cool and very adventurous light.
For this shot I chose to frame the light by itself to the top right. I didn't feel the need to incorporate any further composition elements. I felt the soft tones and colors of the ceiling provided enough relief to the eyes from the more intense and vibrant colors of the light. Unlike the other light, this light felt more 80's or 90's to me. Just looking at it reminds me of an adventure like Indiana Jones or Jurassic Park. I felt this didn't necessarily play into the arcade theme but did feel retro enough to include. It definitely introduces another layer to the personality of the bar.
2 Bit Retro Arcade NYC

2 Bit Retro Arcade NYC

This a photographic representation of a night spent at the retro arcade bar 2 Bit Arcade in NYC. Tried my best to capture the essence and identit Read More
