Tendon is a literary and visual arts magazine that aims to create space for ideas and projects inspired by the medical humanities, including the social sciences, the natural sciences, history of the body, and science and technology studies. Supported by the JHU Center for Medical Humanities and Social Medicine, Tendon tends to the seen and the unseen; links the concrete and the abstract; and explores sites of connection, traversal, and entanglement.

The final deliverable for this project is to create a logo, a book cover for the 1st issue of Tendon Magazine, posters for the official launch, and a souvenir. For a magazine that serves as a bridge between different subjects, I focused on visually representing the concept of the connection between science and humanistic art, and their individual characteristics. The project shows my ability of utilizing a 3-Dimensional environment to make 2-Dimensional images. Through the exploration of the new program, I found a way to generate variations based on identical elements and central imagery.

