BABY BEDDING SET- Design project-I

Design Project I 

The project is a study on sustainability, explore ways to sustain and reduce the wastage of fabrics. This was part of semester project. Study about the current trends, pricing and material from the market and brainstorm for the ideas. The client was Apang Manav Mandal, Ahmedabad a cluster working with handicapped women and men promotes women with self-building and self-independence. They work with remaining fabrics from industry creating products. With the understanding of the client brief given develop what is my idea of a new product for them. Sketch the designs, discuss with the client and develop products. Also the project was to understand the difficulties they would be facing for production.
The product has been done using are Embroidery, Quilting and soft cushioning for babies.
BABY BEDDING SET- Design project-I


BABY BEDDING SET- Design project-I
