Jeffery Sean Gold's profile

Reprogramming The Workplace

A radical shift has been identified in current and near future modes of work that now render dominant spatial typologies, organizational logic, and institutional relationships obsolete. Work is to be defined as thinking, designing, and making within creative disciplines exclusively. 
There are three primary drivers that are underwriting this shift. They are: Technological changes which allow more facile, interconnected, and complex modes of working, The Economic Output of creative classes, and The Socio-Cultural Value of design.
One of the results of this shift is the subverting of traditional hierarchical Work structures within and between Work organizations. This has given way to temporal-hierarchies wherein expertise is privleged for its ability to servicea goal (i.e. fund a project, design a circuit board, etc).
This has the potential to re-order strategic relationships between organizations from a model of patron and artist or corporation and serive provider to Localized affiliations wherein each party leverages their specific experties for a temporal intended goal.
Conceptual Form and Strategic Operation
The episodic process of merging form and program, then manipulating the union to generate a "bleed" of space was the defining moment of the spatial experience and goal of the thesis.
Transformative Stimuli
Form and program is manipulated from the effects of Internal or External Stimuli; alternitive, often more celebrated programs. These effects are manifested within the shifts and bleed moments of the physical. At the largest scale, the shifts acts as "Interruptions", injecting new program between similar. Our hypothesis centered around this idea of Interruption. The spatial interruption will cause a momentary refocus of ones attention into more Acute, hyper-productive behavior. This will in turn augment awarness and over-expose the products and ideas of others.
Who are the users? and how is this any different?
The combination of users is signifcant because it allows for the creation of dependent-synergistic behaviors within a network based on HOW people work, produce, and interact. When a work environment shifts from hierarchical isolation to a more egalitarian network of fluid behaviors and dependencies new spatial relationships can react to behavior. ‘Redefining Work’ does this with an emphasis on creating a collaborative and hyper-productive infrastructural core that exposes all spaces to one another and itself.
How'd we get here? Below are a few of the defining moments early on in our investigation that brought us to our conclusion. The obsolete Workplace must be reprogrammed to accomodate new modes of work, this can be achieved by analyzing the behavior of how people work and what relationships bring natrual dependencies together to form the new "office". 
above: External stimuli. Here a performance stage located ouside; interrupts painting studios. The Dancers bodies movement was meant to inspire the painters work.
Reprogramming The Workplace

Reprogramming The Workplace

Redefining 'The Office' and what it means to produce, collaborate, and work within the Maker Revolution. My thesis aims to discover a new spatial Read More
