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In the last century of our history, after much time of intensive developing, we have finally been aware of the negative impact of such practices have had. plastic pollution is a major current issue that affects everybody’s life without exception. Given this, the purpose of my work is not to aestheticize environmental problems, rather, its goal is to trigger a reflection on our actions and their terrible repercussions on the environment and ourselves.

The Exceptional History: Us is a series of drawings, which through symbolism depicts a conceptual and philosophical approach to society and it’s “auto-destruction” behaviour. 

Decay, a mixed-media sculpture, showcases an allegory of how we are “made” out of plastic, depicting some materials we use every day.  The piece is the result of a process of exploration with trash as main artistic material, replacing some of the traditional paint, paper, clay, charcoal or wood.

Project P

Project P

In the last century of our history, after much time of intensive developing, we have finally been aware of the negative impact of such practices Read More
