Coping with anxiety, uncertainity and depression

A series of illustrations that began as an outlet for my thoughts and also to find my happy place again.

"We accept the love we think we deserve- Perks of being a wallflower" This line stuck with me since a long time but it was only recently that I acknowledged the full meaning of it. Except, I applied it to more than just love and relationships. I realised that a tiny positive shift in our thinking can make way for wonderful things, or atleast our perception of the current situation changes for the better. 
Just a reminder to take a few conscious breaths every day. For an anxious person like me ,tiny exercises like this help me feel grounded again.
Whenever I find myself trying to control the outcome of a situation it ends up messing up with my head ,and the situation doesn't get any better. I drew this as a reminder to just keep doing what I have to do and trust that the Universe has my back ; even on days when it honestly feels like it doesn't.
Growing up I had a simple approach to everything, let go of anything that bothers me., situations, opinions,sometimes even people. But lately it dawned on me that I'm no longer that person. I have complicated views and lots of over thinking that is taking place constantly. This artwork is another reminder to adopt simpler ways once again..and its working..
Becoming one with nature. Something about rains that literally soothes your soul. It was the first rain before the start of the monsoon and I saw this bunch of leaves fluttering outside overlapping each other ,creating an interesting pattern. Which I imagined as this illustration in my head.
Mid-twenties are teaching me how to make lemonade from life's lemons while drowning in the same lemonade. But I'm still here, thriving and enjoying this process !
I have been struggling with comparing my journey with others and ending up feeling disappointed almost always. It took me a while to convince myself that everyone is on their own timelines.Some are far ahead,some in the midst of reaching there and some just setting their foot in..And maybe we join/cross paths in between. Not to compare each others journeys but to help/learn from one another.
Sometimes, by helping others you help yourself.

Artwork inspired by the beautiful flower pot by @treetosea.
Just when you thought you resolved one knot in life, another one's in line. Might as well dive in and make the process a healthy one and turn it into something lovable.

Artwork inspired by the amazing photographer Naina Gahlaut's work.
High on coffee kind of day. When nothing works ,fixing myself a cup of coffee makes everything a little better. Maybe the act of making good coffee and knowing that on a shitty day,there indeed is something I can control, is what makes it better. 
I've learnt that its ok to hold onto something justt a bit longer before letting it go - a career path, a decision,a relationship-anything. But once you do let it go, do not look back again.
Coping with life

Coping with life
