Radium Audio Ltd's profile

Bond - Quantum of Bonds

Sky Movies 007 HD
Making of Sky Movies 007 HD Channel Trailer – Radium Behind-the-Scenes-Film
How much love can we throw at a James Bond trailer? This is the question we ask ourselves … how far will we go to capture, create and authenticate an original sound for Bond? Quite far, as it turns out. Short of selling a body part (though at times, we may risk losing one) we do throw ourselves into this to be able to bring to the world of Bond 100% authentic sound from Radium, every impact, bullet, boom and thud crafted from our own hands inhouse at Radium … as you can see in our behind the scenes minifilm above … 
The BSkyB launch of the new Bond channel, Sky Movies HD 007, is inevitably going to make a huge splash and our trailer has to do the same. Sky tell us they know it’s just the right job for Radium because of our considerable experience in recording cars, guns and explosions, and because they also know how far we like to push things when we’re given the headroom to max it out. As soon as we see the first visual cut we know we’re heading down the rabbit hole and staying there until we’ve driven ourselves as far as we can to get exactly the right sound for the right car, the right impacts for the right scrape, gunshot, and twist and turn. 
See and hear the end result below …
Sky Movies 007 HD Channel Trailer – Original Score and Sound Design by Radium Audio
Bond - Quantum of Bonds

Bond - Quantum of Bonds

As soon as we see the first visual cut we know we’re heading down the rabbit hole and staying there until we’ve driven ourselves as far as we can Read More


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