
Our world is changing. By 2050, dangerous heatwaves of 38.5 degrees, like the one we experienced in 2018, will become the new norm. For this project, I wanted to gaze into the future and imagine what the world will be like in 2050. Considering the changes that will occur in lifestyle, society and the environment, I designed wearable technology that can help people adapt to the new world. 

Climati is wearable technology that helps you acclimatise to warmer temperatures. The modular device, which can be worn in a variety of ways, tracks you and your environment, and activates cooling when you need it most. With Climati, the user can create their own micro climate, making them more comfortable in a harsher world. 

Ultimately, Climati is a piece of political commentary on the world today. Our inaction in regard to climate change is detrimental, and the effects are becoming clearer and clearer. A hot climate in the UK is unthinkable, but in truth, it is the reality of our future. Climati is technology that could help people adapt to this future.



Climati is wearable technology that can help people adapt to extreme heat in the future, as our climate crisis grips the world.
