Ashleigh Johnston's profile

First Year Graphic Design - Semester TWO

First Year Graphic Design - Semester TWO
Digital Imagery and Editing - Self Portrait Assignment
Watch me evolve... Self portrait Semester II... stay tuned...

Me in a bikini, with a viking hat, and a spear, riding my dog Sophie on a lamb skin with white tail deer antlers on the rocks off the coast of County Antrim, Northern Ireland. Seems legit.
First Year Graphic Design - Semester TWO
Design II - Fashion Poster
First Year Graphic Design - Semester TWO
Digital Imagery and Editing I - The Four Seasons

An assignment to create custom brushes in order to evoke a different feeling for each season. I created sketches and scanned them into Photoshop, and painted it with with both found brushes and my own custom water colour brushes to give it a more organic, and less photoshop feeling.
First Year Graphic Design - Semester TWO
3D & Materials I - Althea Soap Co. Packaging Design
I used seeded paper to create a no waste package design, with environmental themed scents and design
First Year Graphic Design - Semester TWO
Typography II - Event Poster for a Big Lebowski Bowling Event
First Year Graphic Design - Semester TWO
Design II - Teenage Head Music Poster
First Year Graphic Design - Semester TWO
Design II - Object Poster
I was given an object and asked to create a poster with time as the theme. The object I was given was a Wendy's toy piece seen as the orange shape in the center. I created a design to represent the history of the record.
First Year Graphic Design - Semester TWO
3D & Materials I - Package Design for Sparkling Water geared towards a younger audience.
First Year Graphic Design - Semester TWO
Typography II - Colour Book Cover

I used Eyeshadow and paint to create an explosion of colour for the cover. It's a play on making pigments into paint.

First Year Graphic Design - Semester TWO

Typography II - Colour Book Spread
I chose Blue for my third chapter simply because I wanted to show pigment, and blue is still today the hardest pigment to achivee, but the colour is everywhere in nature.
First Year Graphic Design - Semester TWO

Typography II - Short story Cover
This particular story revolves around a flame, and I wrapped each letter with string around nails specifically relating to a part in the story, without giving it away.
First Year Graphic Design - Semester TWO

Typography II - Short story Cover
This was more of a lesson in Photoshop to InDesign for me than it was about the book cover. I discovered a trick using handwritten type and applying a series of applications to create a vector image which allowed me to adjust the colour with a click of a button for my working copy.
First Year Graphic Design - Semester TWO

3D & Design - Binding
A book on tips for first year students bound using long stitch
First Year Graphic Design - Semester TWO

3D & Materials I - Book Binding
First Year Graphic Design - Semester TWO

3D & Materials I - Book Binding

Tips Spread.
First Year Graphic Design - Semester TWO

First Year Graphic Design - Semester TWO

First Year Graphic Design - Semester TWO Projects include mostly Typography, 3D Package Design and Photoshop
