An environmental illustration celebrating the speculative and hypothetical accomplishment of engineering and technology that is the "Space Scraper", the tallest structure ever built. ​​​​​​​

This project  is a part of a much larger project. To see the full project, please visit
First a mockup/model of the cityscape was created in Google SketchUp to be used as reference.
I wanted to add an interesting and world-establishing element in the sky, so I refined a vehicle idea I had conceived before. 
Then the floating vehicle was created in SketchUp.
Once captured in the same angle/perspective, I photoshopped the ship into the city scape.
This gradient-based aesthetic was actually a happy accident that I stumbled across unintentionally while playing around with the fill and stroke of the vectors.
Because this piece was being used as a part of my thesis, I ran into some conceptual challenges while trying to decide on the final look of the pieces. I needed to decide between an aesthetic focus or a conceptual focus. 
Some aesthetic decisions, like this image ad direction, had to be abandoned to avoid distraction and busy-ness. 
Getting the text just right was a challenge as well. 
Using the assets created for this project, I also created a different poster that portrays the cityscape of the future.
Space Scraper

Space Scraper
