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A postmodern point-and-click graphic adventure game, featuring...nuns?!
NUN OF YOUR BUSINESS follows the story of Sister Dangerous - the world’s most dangerous nun, and an undercover exorcist who works under the command of God. She is transferred to the Little Hope Convent to perform a simple exorcism, but gets more than she bargained for after discovering that the convent is more demon-riddled than she once thought. With mysterious murders and nuns going missing, Sister Dangerous must get to the bottom of a deep and winding mystery whilst keeping everything a secret from the other nuns.

Sister Dangerous
Sister Dangerous is the main character of NUN OF YOUR BUSINESS. She’s a cynical and hedonistic demon-slaying action hero, who’s motivated purely by the thrill of the chase. This makes her the best candidate to be God’s personal exorcist, even if she doesn’t always make the best nun. She possesses a burning hatred for choirs, but takes her responsibility as an exorcist very seriously. She wants to be the most dangerous nun on the planet.
Hooter is the loyal sidekick and dearest friend of Sister Dangerous. He’s a sharp and witty ghost owl, but he’s also literally a ghost owl (as in he’s dead.) His spirit resides perched at the bottom of the screen, waiting for Sister Dangerous to wake him up and seek his guidance. Aside from offering help, he may also try to contribute to conversations sometimes. Only Sister Dangerous can hear him.
Mother Superior

Mother Superior is the big cheese of the Little Hope Convent. She sets all the rules, and expects everyone to abide by them. Her strict demeanour and stern values for tradition may paint her out as a villain towards Sister Dangerous and the other nuns, but ultimately her pride in the convent is very admirable - especially considering that the convent itself isn’t very impressive.
Sister Shary Laurence
Despite being the most joyful and optimistic nun in the convent, Sister Shary Laurence runs the choir - therefore making her the natural enemy of Sister Dangerous. She has a bad habit of breaking out into song, as if she’s part of some 1992 musical comedy about nuns. She encourages everyone to take part in the choir regardless of whether they want to or not, and will often behave like a diva when under stress.
No one knows what Sister [REDACTED] is, but she’s a great comedian, apparently. Her one-liners will make you roll on the floor with laughter - if you can understand what she’s saying.
Sister Mister
Everyone secretly suspects that Sister Mister might be a man, but they’re all too polite to say anything - after all, you can’t make such assumptions in our current year. Rumour has it she’s a nun on the run...from what however? No one knows.
Sister Katie-Chan
Sister Katie-Chan is a young postulant, and easily the most annoying human being to ever exist. She’s obsessed with anime and pop culture, and for some reason won’t stop speaking like an internet user from the year 2007. To make matters worse, Sister Dangerous is stuck with Sister Katie-Chan as her roommate. Oh, and would she please take off those ridiculous cat ears?
Gameplay Experience
The player will enjoy a sense of familiar humour, as they tap or click their way through the Little Hope Convent in NUN OF YOUR BUSINESS. Whilst they are trying to solve puzzles and mysteries, they can interact with the colourful cast of characters and perhaps even learn something new that will further their investigation. There are plenty of interactions to be enjoyed, as they view the world through the cynical perspective of Sister Dangerous.
Important Information
NUN OF YOUR BUSINESS is compatible with all Windows computers and tablets. The first verse will be completely free to play on the 27th of June 2019. Watch this space!


NUN OF YOUR BUSINESS is an episodic point-and-click adventure game which approaches a unique postmodern perspective on nuns. Set in a demon-infes Read More
