This was an exercise in visualizing census data. I prototyped an interactive installation (with a team of 4 other designers) to allow visitors to discover and explore the career paths of 33 design professionals.

We surveyed CMU School of Design alumni about their school and summer experiences, and selected the 6 that told the most their career paths:
1. What is your current job title and workplace?
2. Which classes or skills learned at CMU have been particularly valuable to your current work?
3. How has your experience in college influenced your career choice?
4. What's the best piece of advice you received while at CMU?
5. What were deciding factors in choosing your current (or last) job?
6. What was your most formative summer experience (job, research, travel)?
Setup: Each cube represents an alumni, and each cube face corresponds to a survey question. "Activating" a cube face reveals that alumni's answer to that question, and cubes with related answers are lit up to reveal people with similar paths. The video shows how someone might interact with this experience.

Faces of Design

Faces of Design

Vizualizing census data on design careers (inspired by the 2017 AIGA Design Census).
