Chris Zhang's profile

Stumbling in Solitude – Wong Kar Wai film festival

Stumbling in Solitude
Create a film festival for a chosen movie director. Extract a theme that ties together all of the director's selected films to create a cohesive visual system through a variety of materials. 

I choose to feature the Hong Kong director Wong Kar Wai and his five films–As Tears Go By, Days of Being Wild, Chungking Express, Fallen Angels, Happy Together. The visual direction is based on a common thread shared throughout all 5 films–the feeling of loneliness in the urban city.
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Stumbling in Solitude – Wong Kar Wai film festival


Stumbling in Solitude – Wong Kar Wai film festival

OBJECTIVE // Create a film festival for a chosen movie director. Extract a theme that ties together all of the director's selected films to creat Read More
