Amanda Ackerman's profile

Other Developments-LiveCode Flash Games

Other Developments: LiveCode/Flash Games
For those that are not familiar with LiveCode, it is somewhat similar to how Unreal can be. In Unreal, you can create widgets which allow you to place images, buttons, text and so on to a screen. This is what makes UI-main menus, health bar, inventory system, pickup bars, etc. So in similar fashion, this is a drag/drop program and once you add a button, you have to code it to function. Instead of OnClick, it's mouseUp to go to the next screen or guess. In the modes, I included radio buttons for each one. When clicked, it would tell the player that it will increase by a percentage and that they should understand it may be difficult than Mild. For volume and sound, utilizing sliders must also be coded. 

Coffee Shop Mayhem wasn't a fully functional game but it was to get us to create user interface and learn how to program it to function. UI is something that is seen in all games and it helps build skill as far as developing. The menu, all buttons and clicking the achievements are all functional. I've included a few samples below. 
Play/Quick Play Sample
Achievement Screen
Stocker Achievement
The Cleaner Achievement
Mood Setter Achievement
Tinkerer Achievement
I forgot to include a screenshot of the settings for Coffee Shop Mayhem. The volume control and sound effect sliders are on there and the player can choose from three different level modes. The three difficulties are Mild Roast, Dark Roast and Espresso. Typically the player starts on Mild and it gets 25-65% harder when choosing one of the other two. The settings also allowed the player to go back to the Main Menu or Quick Play.
Number Guessing Game
In this, the player has to guess a number between 1 and 100. In order to solve how far the player was off to the actual guess, there are two mathematical ways I provided here.
In the next couple, I show that the guess is always randomized and it will tell you what the answer was. 
If the math was correct, it tell the player what the answer was/is then continue with the next number to guess.

As far as utilizing LiveCode, I enjoyed it quite a bit when early developing. I didn't have issues when it came to coding the buttons. It just took time to get each and every button to function how I wanted it to. I decided to include this to show a few other developing skills I've gained overtime besides just working in Visual Studio and Unreal. I mentioned flash games in my previous entry, so I felt it was necessary to showcase.
Other Developments-LiveCode Flash Games

Other Developments-LiveCode Flash Games

A couple other games I've developed in my game programming and development degree. This is different to some of the others that I have included i Read More
