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Logo Branding // Dreamcatcher Studios

The logo has been designed for a media production house which mainly focusses on film-making, videography and creative content creation. The logo is the representation of the name Dreamcatcher Studios. Its a creative and innovative logo that would prominently show their identity and emphasize on their aims and ideas.
Mood Board
To match the requirements of the client, research has been done on usage, target audience, market importance, aesthetics and colour psychology. Then a moodboard has been created.
  “Dream catchers” are decorative hangings with native American origins. Legends held that the spider web design of the dream catcher would allow good dreams to pass through and float down the hanging beads and feathers to sleeping children.            

Likewise, this company uses the idea of a dream catcher as a way of telling their audience about their motive: coming up with creative and unique ideas in the form of short movies, documentaries and media to cater to their consumer's needs. I have combined the shape of a “dream catcher” with the company’s name, where the “C” depicts a part of the dreamcatcher shape. It is also made to subtlely show the shape of a crescent moon followed by hanging stars, depicting the flow of creative ideas.
Keeping the whole look minimal and organised, I have used a neutral colour scheme with only two main colours for the logo with a beige tone for the background and black for the shapes and the main text.
Stationery Branding
Digital Screens
Wall Hanging
Logo Branding // Dreamcatcher Studios


Logo Branding // Dreamcatcher Studios

This is one of the branding projects I've made for an imaginary client, Dreamcatcher Studios. This includes the corporate identity of the client Read More
