Nudos es una marca de ropa unisex sostenible cuyo objetivo es reducir los residuos que provoca la industria textil.

Creamos las prendas a partir de otras que nos traen los propios clientes, ropa que ya no utilizan o van a tirar. De esta forma evitamos que terminen en los vertederos.

Cada prenda es única. Sin géneros, sin tallas.

The final proyect of the MA Degree consist in create a project to “save the world”. 
I created Nudos, a unisex fashion sustainable brand whose objective is to reduce the waste caused by the textile industry.

We create clothes from others that our clients bring us, clothes that they no longer use or will throw away. In this way, we avoid that they end up in landfills.

We recicle, we create, we wear.

Each one is unique. Without genres, without sizes.


