Connected Community - 
The building appears weightless, levitating between the ground and the sky. Therefore, building has a reduced footprint, providing more public space for different activities. Its connection to other buildings in the complex by the sky path provides new opportunities for creating the connected community. Common areas in the building, including the common terrace and roof are also used in order to create more space for alternative functions of the building.
Building complex is located in densely populated area of the urban fabric of Belgrade. Around the site are uppermost residential buildings with commercial activities, with noticeable absence of nature and open public space in the area. Therefore, the concept of the project was to provide much needed open space with natural elements along with residential use.
Weightless Effect
There are three elements responsible for giving the building the weightless appearance. The first element is morphology of the terrain, giving the building the ability to detach itself from the ground. The second one is juxtaposition of massive and light elements of the building, creating the illusion of weightlessness. The third feature is sky path that pierce through the building and connects it with three others, giving the sensation that the building is supported by other structures, not needing to have its own ground.
Project Info.
name: Weightless
location: South boulevard, Belgrade, Serbia
type of work: individual
level: third academic year, first semester
studio: studio 03b multi family dwelling
date: september 2016 - january 2017
supervisor: Ksenija Pantović, assistant
supervisor: Milan Vujović, PhD, professor
Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade
email: a.srecko95@gmail.com
linkedin: linkedin.com/in/srecko-andrijanic
instagram: @felixvona

