Ashima Arts Website
Flash that powerfully illustrates the company story
Game technology company Ashima Arts needed an extensive site to communicate the visual splendor of the company's artificial intelligence technologies. The company doesn't make games: it makes them better.

In just a few months we created one of the highest-rated sites in the competitive gaming technology world, with highly complex images and flash animations that clearly state the compnay's purpose without cluttering the message.
The home page combines the three pillar technologies under a single image that conveys the sum total of the benefits the technologies bring.  See the flash here.
NASA engaged Ashima Arts to develop a groundbreaking new Lunar exploration application for launch in 2011 as part of the new Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Mission. Dramatically more detailed and interactive than Google Earth®, visitors to this NASA website will be able to walk or drive a rover across the Moon, jump out to orbit, and land seamlessly into a new spot to explore.  Our control interface for this project was kept simple and to the point.
Our work for the company's marketing and business plan presentations included symbology of the conpany's experienced executive talent.
A visualization of the company's artificially intelligent social and environmental engines, the "God Game" pits several orb "Gods" against each other in self-directed, autonomous excercise.  Thousands of variable scenarios are played out in this highly complex Flash project.  View the God Game Here.  -And watch for the bunny!
Character behaviour modeling for the God Game.  Different Gods use different weapons against each other, or provide them as gifts to enhance influence and power.   This character animation check sheet reviews each character movement and action. See the flash here.
Ashima Arts develops artificial intelligence systems for massively multiplayer online (MMO) games. Our challenge was to depict the results of this technology before having an actual game to show.
This was accomplished with show-stopping Flash animations that showed the effects of artificially intelligent procedural modeling of virtual worlds and natural systems.   See the flash here.
With Ashima Arts technology, player actions have consequences in the game world landscape, and in the evolving behaviour of the whole game.  We showed a cute flash example here.
The Products and Solutions page shows the 3 primary solutions packages, with text below discussing the customer problems and use cases.
Finally, the company's Mission page is headlined with a Flash movie that integrates envorinment, scenery and character objects in a compelling short clip.  It ends zooming out into a large virtual world and universe, communicating the potential of the company's products and mission. See the flash here.
Ashima Arts Website

Ashima Arts Website

Game technology company Ashima Arts needed an extensive site to communicate the visual splendor of the company's artificial intelligence technolo Read More
