Tom Edwards's profile

Leffe - Slow Time


Leffe needed a campaign that would generate social video view-through and communicate it’s brand platform Rediscover Time. 


Time is an incredibly rich subject area - but on social media it is often more a sense of it being sped up that’s pertinent - we knew this was something we’d have to reverse.

Leffe as a brand believes in the value of slowing things down and savouring the moment - so was is something we would have to juxtapose with the super-fast nature of social media. 

I also knew best practice on social video was to create films that work with no sound, that video should engage people immediately, and that shorter run time videos would likely perform best.


We hired BAFTA-nominated filmmaker Gary Tarn to produce a ten-minute documentary called SLOW TIME. 

The film was an examination of five artists and artisans who used time as a key part of their work. They were a microsculptor, an experimental charcuterist, two of the world’s leading stop-frame animators, an astrophotographer and a camera-less photographer.

The film was distributed in full via YouTube and Facebook and sold in to journalists.

We then created social-specific edits challenging our audience’s own use of time while browsing social.

All pieces of video content smashed their VTR target - in some cases by up to 100%.
In total, we drove 13 million impressions across the campaign.
Leffe - Slow Time

Leffe - Slow Time
