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Plastique – a plastic restaurant

Plastique  –  a brand concept for a plastic restaurant

A self initiated project dealing with microplastics. Plastique is an honest brand who show their customers how much plastic is in each meal and actively try and get them to count their plastic intake by rewarding them, like the government is rewarding the plastics industry for lobbying well.

It also features a "tear me off menu" which shows that we are the people making these choices and that we can choose if we want this or not. The brand shows that everything we do is a choice, not only criticising the government but also the individual.

The menu also reminds the customer to count their plastic servings (to get the most vitamin P and to gain a reward for the most). This should make them aware of their real everyday use.

The design is simple and only upon further inspection will the viewer see beneath the ironic tone to the more serious messages (meaning they will have let their “activist guard” down).

“You actively choose this lifestyle every day, even if it is not always obvious”

Plastique – a plastic restaurant