Robin Taliaferro's profile

Competitive Runners Can Use to Build Mental Toughness

With decades of experience in the corporate financial sector, Solvang, California-based Robin Taliaferro is the founder and CEO of Corporate Officer Tax Strategies, LLC, which has been in operation since 1992. Aside from his professional responsibilities, Robin Taliaferro is a competitive runner and the winner of the 2005 Santa Barbara Grand Prix. 

Competitive running requires both physical and mental strength. There are a number of key strategies you can use to enhance your level of mental toughness while training to be a better runner.

When a long-term goal is recognized or a meaningful purpose is evident, it is much easier to tolerate discomfort while training. Therefore, it makes sense to consider your goals (such as an upcoming marathon) as you warm up and contemplate why your running training program is important to you. 

It’s helpful to be mindful of your thought processes and inner self-talk, and to ensure they are optimistic. By focusing on a positive inner dialogue, you’ll be less likely to find excuses not to push through difficult training periods, and more likely to find a way. 

You can train your mind and body to get through difficult training conditions by running at varying times and in unpleasant conditions. For example, if you are typically a lunchtime runner, choose an early morning run time to train, even if this is not your preference. 

Another way to train the mind to learn to tolerate uncomfortable moments is to purposefully and proactively practice this skill even when you aren't running. For example, simply stepping into a cold shower for a few moments and embracing the experience brings awareness to the connection between your mind and the desire to quickly escape the uncomfortable situation.
Competitive Runners Can Use to Build Mental Toughness

Competitive Runners Can Use to Build Mental Toughness
