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LOGIC | Interactive Puzzle Book

Interactive Puzzle Book 

League of Global Intelligence Communication (LOGIC) is an interactive puzzle book which follows the story of an intelligence agent as they uncover a plot to bring down the organisation. 

The book encourages readers to interact with the puzzles in different ways and employ lateral thinking. Inspired by the current popularity of escape rooms, the LOGIC puzzle book focuses on combining the interactive experience of an escape room with solving puzzles from the comfort of your own home. 

To avoid containing the answers at the back of the book, a QR code is provided for the reader, requiring a final code to “transmit to HQ”. ​​​​​​​

Puzzles readers must solve include: paths, overlays, perspective, removable sections, decoding, folding, and more - feel free to try your hand at a few of them!
Front Cover
Designed to reflect official government departmental notebooks
Path Puzzle
Provides initial stages of storyline
Perspective Puzzle
Employing instructions from previous puzzle
Perspective Puzzle
Perspective Puzzle
Perspective Puzzle
Path Puzzle
Fold Puzzle
Removable Spine
Overlay Puzzle
Overlay Puzzle
Map Puzzle
Answer Page
LOGIC | Interactive Puzzle Book

LOGIC | Interactive Puzzle Book

League of Global Intelligence Communication (LOGIC) is an interactive puzzle book which follows the story of an intelligence agent as they uncove Read More
