Hi, I am Setiawan Yudhis today I want to share My Project In Design Simple Typography In Tshirt Design, Hope You Enjoy It!

I want ot add text "You Can Totally Do This" with some typography technique that maybe can make eye catching if place it on tshirt

So The first step is I Make a Shape with shape tool in Adobe Illustrator

Typing the text "you can totally do this"
You can Bold the text

"Create Outlines" by Right-Click on a text
It's to make text is able to re-shape or even adjustable because it's not text anymore it is become a shape.

So, After change text into shape now we can clearly look the point of shape and position, as you look that still have any space that not accurate with design, So, In here I use function "Ctrl+Y" to make visible in painting paper in Adobe Illustrator. So I can adjust it till accurate.

By Right-Click and "Ungroup" You can Move one by one shape.
After finish back again the painting paper with function "Ctrl+Y"

And Ta Da..!
Now We look if placed on Our T-shirt

Please visit me on fiverr: here

