Simon Bauchet's profileStéphane Girardot's profile


The Live interface as it will be displayed on a screen while the conference - In this version, four messages are displayed at one time, to keep a neat and clear interface.
The other Live interface version allows to display six messages at one time, it was thought for conferences where there is a lot of people. We wanted to offer at least two different interfaces to the moderator, in order to give him flexibility.
At any time of the conference, the moderator can launch this page. It shows the most debatted topics on the Live.
The moderator can launch a little animation which displays the most recommanded messages.
We included a "rope-pulling" game in order to add fun. The moderator can launch the game during pauses. Users are divided in two groups. Every user pulls the rope by switching on his smartphone. The goal is to bring the cursor on his side.
The smartphone interface. Users react through their smartphones. We suggested several options as personnalize, recommend, visiting cards and resources


Agoroom is a service which allows people who attend conferences to participate and give their opinion. Users connect to Agoroom with their smartp Read More


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