Jessie Tung's profile

Diagonal Shelves, Instructables Furniture Competition

Our team, Storage Mania, competed in the Instructables Furniture competition in 2012 and was featured by Instructables editors on the homepage. In their words, "Being featured by our editors means your Instructable stands out, and represents one of the best we have." We created unique modular shelves that can be stacked diagonally or vertically and is already being used in art galleries and homes to to showcase products, books and more! Plus it's easy to make! Just follow our instructables page and check out our photo instructions. 
Solidworks assembly
Diagonal Shelves, Instructables Furniture Competition

Diagonal Shelves, Instructables Furniture Competition

This was a team project with 4 UC Berkeley students competiting in the Instructables Furniture competition. Our project was selected by Instructa Read More
