or the love of typographic bits? and what was this project about? summarize. provide the viewer some context buddy. was it to "explore the formal qualities of six different letters, from seven different typefaces? the background color is #F0F0F0—please use it. or discover and visualize letterform features and arrange into some really engaging, award-winning dynamic compositions." this is #7D7D7D filled helvetica 20pt.
meet adelle sans-serif. adelle is simultaneously friendly, modern and direct. like a buddy who doesn't spend a lot of energy talking the talk, but lets their actions speak for their friends. use this #7D7D7Dfilled georgia 14pt. 

(below) this is where it all started in a survey of tasty, typographic bits. also in thre are some alternative designs i kicked around before deciding on a winner, winner chicken dinner.
a mockup of a book cover—a dust jacket actually. please use your "poster" design as the basis. and your name...and the work's name from the poster. any size, but please use whitney or the grade is doomed..
another fine caption goes here. this can be any mockup from the "premium mockups" linked in the latest announcement/s. and ooops!!! looks like i forgot to delete a layer. don't be a clown like me and repeat this horrific error.
use this 125/125/125 filled georgia 14pt. aboves is a magnificent composition of tasty bits. where it all started in a survey of tasty typographic bits.
form. counterform.

Project Made For

form. counterform.
