Eduardo Knoch's profile


New Zealand South Island trip​​​​​​​
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The fastest way to get to the gate, and fun!
Sydney's Airport.
Seat belt fastened, next stop in about 3 hours.
First day in Queenstown and the sky was absolutely fantastic!
Our amazing group travelling with Stray! 
The day was a bit cloudy and windy during the morning.
The wind blowing more than 50km/h and making me freak out even more! Do you know why? Scroll down.
Nevis Bungy - the highest in New Zealand.
Note: 134m and 8.5 secs free falling. Would you?
One word for this guy: fearless
One note for myself: I couldn't.
But then... Catapult or Swing? I chose both! 
After all the adrenaline has gone, Mark from AJHackett was giving us a bit more information about the company. Cheers mate!
Heading to the next adventure of the day: Shotover Canyon Swing & Canyon Fox
Look! They also mention the distance to the Moon, lol!
Do you mean the ones in the right side of the picture, right?
"Canyon Fox is the ultimate zipline in New Zealand. You start 182m high, get launched off the cliff on a rail into a 5m drop and ziplining across the legendary Shotover Canyon and back again for a total of 445m on this crazy Queenstown zipline."
And this is the landing zone.
Day 2 and next stop: Milford Sound!
I can't get enough of this!
Rees Valley, Queenstown
Stop for some shots!
btw, my IG is @dutzik go and have a look!
She thinks she can fly!
I love summer but, look at this mountain!
Naughty Kea, stop eating parts of our bus!
Here we are, Milford! Boarding time...
Milford Sound is surrounded by huge mountains and waterfalls. Epic place!
Spell with me: B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L
Close up.
The New Zealand Red Ensign, adopted in 1903, is based on the British Red Ensign. The Union Jack appears in the first quarter, and the Southern Cross, represented by four five-pointed white stars, is featured in the fly. This flag was flown on New Zealand merchant ships during both world wars.
Plan B?
this is a bit scary hey?
Some of the locals chilling
Just having a couple beers for some Insta shots 
More drinks and snacks...
Rachels is sponsored by: Crunchie 
On the left: boys
On the right: girls
and the question is: what's going on?
Note: add Titanic main theme
Oh, I forgot telling you about this: The Homer Tunnel is a 1.2 km long road tunnel in the Fiordland region and you can go trough it. This picture was already on the way back from Milford Sound. PS: Sometimes they may close the road due to avalanches. 
Please adjust the brightness for her.
Oh no!!! The bus is broken!!! 
We were just kidding! Let's move on :)
Own lovely! Of course we do love ya!
 Gunn's Camp is an unique place to visit and stay at least for one night.
Tip: It's a good place to see the glow worms during the night
Also, Carol is a bit alcoholic.This is the proof!
And also this one. See?
Then when she's drunk she thinks that she's strong enough to lift it up things. 
Hey, did you see that? Let me zoom in...
Whataaafu*#$% Dee Pak, get out of my way! I wanna show them something...
Sorry guys. Now... here is it! You can open your beer at this sign. Brilliant!
Dog Island's lighthouse view from Invercargill
For some of us the one hours ferry to Steward Island was really fun as you can see. 
But for others definitely a nightmare. Can you imagine that?
And in that box all Carol's alcohol to Stewart Island. (joking but not)
Welcome to Stewart Island, where there are almost no teenagers living in. (I'm serious at this time, google it)
Southern Star
During winter the island is quiet and only few people visiting. But as I heard when summer is back there are thousands of people coming here every single day. You must make a booking weeks before to make sure there are accommodation available.
Rachel turned into the karaoke mode during the Stewart Island tour. Guess what song she was singing? 
Answer in the next picture.
Britney Spears - Baby one more time 
ownnn what a doggo! (cute moment)
I know this is getting far but take 1min break if you want.
Trust me, it is worth it! 
Coming next, I would like to show you this guy... (next)
TIM! This guys is cool AF!
Look like a real Gangsta! Fuck Yeah! 
hey, what's that Tim? I said GANGSTA! What are you doing now?
Let's forget about the last picture. 
This is Emily, she looks pretty happy in this one :)
Ok, we gotta go now...
Ah, and that's Kristen. Our legend bus driver.
Thanks for driving us safe, Kristen!
Back to Britney Spears: "My loneliness is killing me (and I)..."
Sorry, you won't remove this song from your mind for the next 24h, AT LEAST.
Wow! That's what I'm talking about.
so, we walk to the top of the hill...
and this is the view (rhyme?) 
Looking to the right
And to the other side. 
PS: The boat looks nothing compared with the size of the icebergs.
and also this side, so sick this view!
(she's getting paid $50 per hour)
Just look how rich and successful she is!
(until I finish this post she will be $150 richer than me)
So, let's go back to the bus...
We're on the way to the best accommodation of our trip and the best sky view...
And that's our beautiful accommodation for the next night.
Great view! Can you see the mountains over there?
Some friends coming to say hello!
Mt Cook during the sunset. 
(I know you're jealous right now!)
But, look how freaky is that face! See that? There is a FUC$&%* FACE over there and he is watching you my friend.
(you won't sleep after that)
This is Chris after 5min watching that face! 
See? He's not happy anymore.
It was because he saw the new YHA at Lake Tekapo (2019).
then another regular brekky (with alcohol for Carol)
The Church of the Good Shepherd - Lake Tekapo’s Iconic Landmark.
"This monument was erected by the runholders of the MacKenzie county and those who also appreciate the value of the Collie dog. Without the help of which the grazing of this mountain country would be impossible. Unveiled on March 7th 1968 by Sir Arthur Espie Porritt."
and the friendly Donald saying hi!
Imagine how good is that view from the house.
After we jumped straight to Tekapo Springs, that's is an amazing place for some tubings!!!! FUN FUN FUN!
And this one not really fun (in my opinion). Just because I fell couple times hahaha 
But Emily and Ferre were racing and it was pretty fun tought :)
Maybe Chris is not good guys! I'm sure is something related with that face!!!
Some training to help Legolas on the next Lord of the Rings...
For the many times Rachel receive a massive happy birthday...
and back to Tim and his weird skills...
we also pet some horses and they love it!
That's the proof!
and als othis one in here!
but now is time to say good bye! Thanks for your time, I hope you appreciate this project ;)
Otherwise Rachel will kill yaaaa!!! MUAHAHHAA She's is possessed by the demon in this picture.
She may kill me as well ater see this post LOL!




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