Thinking of American western style, most inspiration comes from cinematography and of course, music. 
Cowboy-is a lifestyle, and so, it is self-explanatory in a way. The way that cowboys dress and why they are dressed in that way, is almost obvious if you take a deeper look at their ranches, hobbies, the music they listen to. It is the same thing that gives them identity, as the one giving them diversity within. Fringe will be flying, no matter if in the back is playing loud rock, or country. 
As such, seen through different eyes of designers, photographers and stylists, western style is something that makes a statement comeback often, through decades. 
Large moodboard shows the extent of the research dive. 

Further, it was fun searching for country style in young people today, and, western has a new face. This presentation shows a perspective of a punk, who sees no gender, in a modern cowboy, empowering way. 



Merging cowboys and punks, is actually nothing new. But it is fun, how many ideas can be brought trough doing a detailed research, resulting in Read More
